The Best Adsterra Ad Formats for Maximizing Revenue

 Monetizing a website can be challenging, especially when trying to balance user experience with revenue generation. Adsterra, a popular ad network, offers a range of ad formats designed to suit various types of content and user preferences. Choosing the right ad format can significantly impact your earnings and user satisfaction. In this blog post, we'll explore the best Adsterra ad formats and how to optimize them for your website.

 1. Pop-under Ads

Pop-under ads are an ad format that opens a new browser window or tab behind the current one, becoming visible only after the primary window is closed or minimized. Unlike pop-up ads, which can interrupt the browsing experience by appearing in front of the content, pop-under ads are less intrusive as they do not immediately distract users. This subtlety can lead to a more positive user experience while still effectively capturing attention once the user has finished their initial browsing session.

Best For:

Pop-under ads are particularly effective for websites with high traffic volumes and certain types of content. They are commonly used on adult content sites, gaming portals, streaming websites, and other entertainment-focused platforms. These types of sites often have users who are accustomed to encountering ads, making them more tolerant of this format. The success of pop-under ads also depends on the relevancy of the content being advertised; highly targeted ads can lead to better engagement and conversion rates.

Tips for Optimization:

To optimize pop-under ads and maximize their effectiveness:

  • Frequency Control:  Limit the frequency with which pop-under ads appear. Excessive use can frustrate users, leading to higher bounce rates and negative feedback. A good practice is to set a cap on the number of times a pop-under ad is shown per user per session or day.
  • Ad Relevance: Ensure that the ads are relevant to your audience. For instance, if your website focuses on tech news, the pop-under ads could promote tech products or services. This increases the likelihood that users will engage with the ads.
  • Testing and Analytics: Regularly test different ad creatives and landing pages to determine what resonates best with your audience. Use analytics tools to track performance metrics such as click-through rates (CTR) and conversion rates to refine your strategy.

2. Native Banners

Native banners are ad units designed to blend seamlessly with the website's content, mimicking the look and feel of the surrounding material. Unlike traditional display ads, native banners do not disrupt the user experience but rather appear as a natural part of the content. This format can include various types of content, such as images, videos, or text, all styled to match the site's layout and design. The key advantage of native banners is their ability to engage users without feeling intrusive, making them a popular choice for many publishers.

Best For:  

Native banners are especially effective on blogs, news sites, and other content-heavy platforms where users expect to see editorial content. They are ideal for promoting products, services, or other content that aligns closely with the interests of the website's audience. For instance, a tech blog could use native banners to promote the latest gadgets, software, or tech-related services, while a fashion blog could advertise clothing brands or accessories.

Tips for Optimization:

To make the most out of native banners:

  • Strategic Placement: Position native banners in areas where users are most likely to notice them without feeling overwhelmed. This could be within the content itself, at the end of articles, or alongside related content sections. For example, placing a native banner promoting a book at the end of a book review article can be highly effective.
  • Compelling Creative: Use high-quality visuals and concise, persuasive text. The content should be relevant and provide clear value to the user, encouraging them to engage with the ad. The ad's style should match the tone and aesthetics of the website to maintain a cohesive user experience.
  • -A/B Testing: Conduct A/B testing with different ad formats, images, headlines, and calls-to-action (CTAs) to find the most effective combinations. Regularly updating and refreshing the ad content can also help maintain user interest and engagement.

3. Push Notifications

Push notifications are a powerful ad format that allows websites to send messages directly to users' devices, even when they are not actively browsing the site. Once users opt-in, they receive updates in the form of small pop-up messages on their desktop or mobile devices. These notifications can include a variety of content, such as news updates, special offers, or reminders, and are typically designed to encourage immediate action.

Best For:

Push notifications are ideal for websites with a loyal and engaged audience, such as e-commerce sites, news portals, and tech blogs. They are particularly effective for re-engaging users and driving traffic back to the website. For instance, an e-commerce site can use push notifications to alert subscribers about flash sales, new arrivals, or abandoned cart reminders. News sites can use them to update subscribers on breaking news or important updates.

Tips for Optimization:

To effectively use push notifications:

  • Clear Opt-In Process: Ensure that the opt-in process is transparent and straightforward. Users should clearly understand what they are subscribing to and how often they will receive notifications. This transparency helps build trust and ensures that only genuinely interested users subscribe.
  • Relevance and Timing: Send notifications that are relevant to the user's interests and at appropriate times. For example, an e-commerce site should avoid sending notifications late at night. Personalization can significantly enhance the effectiveness of push notifications by making them more relevant to individual users.
  • Frequency Management: Avoid overwhelming users with too many notifications. Overuse can lead to users disabling notifications or unsubscribing altogether. Finding the right balance is crucial for maintaining engagement without being intrusive.

 4. Direct Links

Direct links are simple yet effective ad formats that can be integrated seamlessly into a website's content. These links can be embedded in text, buttons, images, or other elements on the site. When users click on these links, they are redirected to the advertiser's landing page. This format offers a high degree of flexibility and can be customized to suit the context of the website's content.

Best For: 

Direct links are versatile and can be used on virtually any type of website. They are particularly useful for monetizing specific content areas, product listings, or service descriptions. For example, a blog post reviewing a product can include direct links to the product's purchase page, or a tutorial on a software site can link directly to the software's download page. This format is also effective for affiliate marketing, where site owners earn a commission on sales generated through their links.

Tips for Optimization:

To optimize direct links:

  • Contextual Relevance: Ensure that the direct links are contextually relevant to the content they are embedded in. For instance, a link to a fitness product should naturally fit within an article about healthy living or exercise routines. This relevance increases the likelihood that users will find the links useful and click on them.
  • Natural Integration: Integrate direct links naturally into your content. They should feel like a part of the content rather than stand-alone advertisements. Avoid using too many links in a single piece of content, as this can overwhelm users and reduce the effectiveness of each link.
  • Tracking and Analytics: Use tracking tools to monitor the performance of your direct links. Analyzing click-through rates and conversion rates can provide valuable insights into which links are most effective and how you can improve your strategy. Regularly update and test new links to maintain engagement.

 5. Interstitial Ads

Interstitial ads are full-screen ads that appear at natural transition points within the user experience, such as between articles or before accessing certain content. These ads can include a variety of formats, such as images, videos, or interactive elements, and often require the user to engage with them before proceeding. Because they occupy the entire screen, interstitial ads are highly noticeable and can be very effective at capturing user attention.

Best For:

Interstitial ads are particularly effective for mobile apps, gaming sites, and any platform where users interact with content in distinct stages or sessions. For example, a gaming site might display an interstitial ad between levels, while a news app might show one before presenting the full article. This format is also useful for promotions that require immediate attention, such as limited-time offers or special events.

Tips for Optimization:  

To use interstitial ads effectively:

  • Respect User Experience: Ensure that interstitial ads are easy to close and do not disrupt the user experience. Users should be able to close the ad with a single tap or click. Ads that are difficult to close can frustrate users and lead to a negative perception of the site.
  • Strategic Timing: Display interstitial ads at appropriate moments, such as during natural pauses in user activity. For instance, in a game, ads can be shown between levels, or in an app, they can appear during loading screens. This timing minimizes disruption and maximizes engagement.
  • Engaging Content: Use high-quality, engaging content that is relevant to the user. This could include eye-catching visuals, compelling calls-to-action, or interactive elements. The more engaging the ad, the higher the likelihood of user interaction and conversion.
  • Frequency Management: Be mindful of how often interstitial ads are shown. Overuse can lead to user annoyance and increased bounce rates. It's essential to find a balance that maximizes ad visibility without negatively impacting user retention.

6. Video Ads

Video ads are a dynamic and engaging ad format that can capture user attention through visual and auditory elements. They can be embedded within video content, such as pre-roll, mid-roll, or post-roll ads, or appear as standalone units on a webpage. Video ads are particularly effective because they can convey a message quickly and compellingly, making them a popular choice for advertisers looking to showcase products, services, or brand messages.

Best For:

Video ads are ideal for entertainment, lifestyle, and tech websites, particularly those that already feature video content. They are also effective on social media platforms, news sites, and any platform where users are accustomed to consuming video content. For instance, a tech site might use video ads to showcase the features of a new gadget, while a lifestyle blog could feature ads for.


Choosing the right ad format on Adsterra depends on your website's content, audience, and goals. Pop-under ads and native banners are versatile options that work well across various niches. Push notifications and direct links are excellent for specific engagement strategies, while interstitial and video ads can provide immersive experiences. By understanding the strengths and best use cases for each format, you can optimize your ad placements to maximize revenue while maintaining a positive user experience.

Remember, the key to successful monetization is finding a balance between generating income and ensuring a seamless experience for your visitors. Experiment with different formats, monitor performance, and adjust your strategy to find what works best for your site. Happy monetizing!

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